Dynamic Sound Recording Studio & Label

Joseph Monaco, Dynamic Sound recording studio

Joseph Monaco's sister, Nancy, in front of Hicksville, NY house where Dynamic Sound was located
During the 1950's and 60's, Joseph Monaco ran a basement recording studio, called "Dynamic Sound" in Hicksville, Long Island, NY. He worked with producer George "Shadow" Morton, and many artists, such as The Shangri-Las, Billy Joel, The Beattle-Ettes, The Pussycats, The Markeys / The Lonely Ones, Sal Mure, Born Mean, The Aggregation, The Un-Called For, The Gothics, The 5 Voids, Satan and the Body Snatchers, & Vanilla Fudge.

Joseph Monaco is credited with co-writing the following songs:

Contact Webmaster

This site is run by Joseph Monaco's daughter, Erica Monaco.
She can be contacted at erica@josephjmonaco.com